A dynamic new system for assessing vehicle risk
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Vehicle Risk Rating (VRR), a new vehicle risk assessment system developed and launched today by Thatcham Research, provides precise and comprehensive automotive risk intelligence in today’s increasingly intricate automotive landscape. VRR represents an advancement from the outgoing 1-50 Group Rating system, offering a more detailed and adaptable approach to risk assessment.

By meticulously evaluating Performance, Damageability, Repairability, Safety, and Security on a granular scale, VRR effectively addresses the growing complexity and diversity of vehicle risks stemming from rapid technological advancements. By placing emphasis on the impact of new technology on insurability, VRR facilitates the establishment of fairer and more accurate insurance premiums. Moreover, VRR incentivises vehicle manufacturers to prioritise designs and technologies that enhance safety, security, and cost-effective repairs, ultimately benefiting both consumers and the industry as a whole.

Delve into our comprehensive resources to gain insights into how Vehicle Risk Rating is shaping the future of vehicle risk assessment. Learn about the collaborative effort behind its development, the in-depth risk factors it evaluates, and the transformative benefits it offers to drivers, insurers, and vehicle manufacturers.

Learn more: www.thatcham.org/pf/vehicle-risk-rating

And read the full press announcement by clicking here

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